By Linda Miller
September 27th, 2021
Does your child fail to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in school works or other activities? Does your child have difficulty sustaining attention in any task or even in playing games? Most importantly have you noticed some form of gross inattentiveness or hyperactivity in your child which you feel is abnormal? If your answer is “Yes”, your child may be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD is a group of symptoms that affects a child’s concentration and ability to focus. It can also lead to severe mood swings and other social problems.
There are three main types of attention deficit disorder – Predominantly Inattentive Type, Predominantly Hyperactive Type and a combination of both these. It is essential for you to be aware of which type of attention deficit disorder your child is suffering from and what the symptoms are. This will decide the course of attention deficit disorder treatment for your child.
Symptoms of Predominantly Inattentive Type
A child suffering from Predominantly Inattentive Type attention deficit disorder will show six or more of the following symptoms:
Symptoms of Predominantly Hyperactive Type
A child suffering from Predominantly Hyperactive Type attention deficit disorder will show six or more of the following symptoms:
The Third type of attention deficit disorder is a combination of both these, and would ideally show six or more symptoms of each.
However, the exact type of attention deficit disorder can be only established after consultation with a doctor. Also, the severity of the disorder in the child will determine the plan of treatment. A child with mild to moderate attention deficit disorder may require only psychological treatment. But attention deficit disorder treatment for a child suffering from severe form may need to undergo medication and/or psychological treatment.
World over, scientific researches are still being conducted to find out the actual reasons that cause attention deficit disorder. However, the symptoms are caused by neurological dysfunction or in simple words, chemical imbalances within the brain. Recent studies have showed genetic reasons for most attention deficit disorder cases, but there are more studies that are being conducted to establish the concreteness of this fact.
Once the children have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, the treatment is a combination of both medical and nonmedical interventions. But most importantly, attention deficit disorder treatment in children is a collective effort of the parents, doctors, caregivers and teachers.
So now that you have some awareness about the type and symptoms of attention deficit disorder, do not delay and consult a doctor today. The earlier you start with attention deficit disorder treatment, more are the chances of your child getting better. Remember you are headed for a long-drawn battle, but you will have to be extremely patient, affectionate, loving and caring to your child.