School Blog


11 January 2023

Teaching Labels to a Nonverbal Child

If your child has a language delay or is nonverbal, you are probably looking for ways encourage him or her to talk.  You will likely want to start with labels of common objects. When first teaching labels, the best thing to do is start with actual ...

16 February 2022

The Importance of Play in Early Years

It is crucial to make sure a child can sustain play.  When a child plays he or she is building social language, imagination and creativity.  Sustained play will teach a child how to focus on one topic at a time and help develop natural ...

27 September 2021

Types and Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

Does your child fail to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in school works or other activities? Does your child have difficulty sustaining attention in any task or even in playing games? Most importantly have you noticed some form ...